The group's missions are to explores light-matter interactions predominantly in solid-state nanophotonic materials and devices, and to develop ultrafast optical capabilities for application in condensed matter physics. We have three broad research areas:
Coherent Phenomena in light-matter interactions
Ultrafast Dynamics and transport of charges, spins and lattices
Nonlinear and Quantum Optics in solids
Selected references are given on each page. For a full publication list, see Google scholar.
IMAGE: Two-dimensional coherent spectra of exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity for different cavity resonance energies, or detuning, with respect to the exciton resonance. Near zero detuning the cavity and exciton resonances undergo normal-mode coupling and form lower- (LP) and upper-polariton (UP) states. In the two-dimensional coherent spectra coupling between the polaritons is seen as the LP-UP and UP-LP off-diagonal features. Exploring the spectral properties of these features as a function of detuning informs us about the relative coupling, the many-body interactions and the local electromagnetic environment for the exciton.